The Advanosys Security and Automation Technology team highly recommends the consideration of having back up power available to your house and ready to assist 24/7, 365 days a year. With technology changing so quickly, the use of the traditional backup generator and/or that of alternate energy generation including solar, wind and fuel cell technology are available to provide at least a backup for your home and related comfort and critical needs.
Whole house backup power is also readily available and much more affordable than in the past. Having the appropriate backup power source is, of course, both a potential life safety need and essential for the critical running of your home whether you are there or away. Virtually all of the technologies we provide for security, automation, life safety and disaster prevention come complete with their own independent backup systems for at least a 24 hour period and upon our standard recommendation, for periods much longer. However, for running the rest of the home’s systems including critical heating and air conditioning, lighting and other comfort systems, having the appropriate backup power system can be a critical need.
We provide all types of solutions from large to small and frequently interface with our customers existing systems or platforms installed by others to ensure they maintain basic operation and monitor essential platform testing schedules, current output, fuel level, run and ambient temperature, charging circuit status and many other essential system monitoring. The Advanosys team can provide your whole house solution including complete backup power solutions for the entire home or a designated portion. These services, of course, are all integrated with the rest of our technology solutions to have a single source providing meeting all of your critical needs.
We frequently work with our select clientele who may have more than one or several home locations around the country or around the world. For these applications, we can provide the exact same operating systems allowing all locations to operate exactly the same from an automatic backup power source to how to operate the same theater room, security system, lighting, video monitoring and all levels of security and disaster prevention technologies. We look forward to assisting you to meet your needs be they large or small.
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