The Advanosys Security and Automation Technology team highly recommends the use of emergency duress systems and notification equipment to meet these critical needs. Even with the use of Smartphone cell technology, standard telephone lines, etc., sometimes there is no time other than to initiate the press of a button designed to dispatch the appropriate emergency services such as police, fire and medical response teams. These devices are frequently built into the security system and/or individual devices to be selectively placed including near the bed in bedrooms and/or critical areas including outbuildings and outside of the house.
The level of monitoring associated with the initiation of such devices can have very specific instruction including notification of special medical requirements, and/or exactly what first responders should do when this type of emergency notification is initiated. Please keep this essential need in mind when designing a security automation system of any kind. These devices can be worn wireless, including direct voice notification. For instance a small pendant device can be worn anywhere in or outside of the house, with extended range readily available. Upon initiation, our central station staff can have immediate communication established with the house and/or directly with the actual pendant unit to have specific voice conversation while the first responder dispatch is being simultaneously completed. We look forward to assisting your security needs. Please call Advanosys to allow us to meet all of your requirements.
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