Conducting temperature checks and required hand sanitation on employees and visitors has become the norm for many businesses, grocery stores, venues, hospitals & retailers. Our touchless health screening kiosk (link to brochure) can help you avoid a crisis in your workplace. It optimizes a return to business as guests and employees return to work in the office and retail locations. Let your business get back to normal in Maryland, Washington DC or Northern by fight the spread of COVID – 19 and other viruses with Sentry Safety Station , our health screening kiosk .
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As a full service Security and Life Safety Systems Integrator, Advanosys is teaming with high-tech manufacturers to provide enhanced Access Control and Security Solutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our focus is to provide comprehensive safety solutions as part of your health screening process for your facility, employees and visitors around the globe.
In an effort to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Advanosys is introducing the Sentry Safety Station; the only non-contact, automated system that takes and reports accurate body temperature, mandates required use of hand sanitizer, verifies sense of smell, confirms mask use (if required), manages access control and creates a comprehensive audit trail along with a powerful contact tracing tool.
Patented technologies provide best-in-class safety and peace of mind for consumers and employees in both public and private premises. The Station can also augment security measures with optional features including facial recognition and additional critical life safety and security functions.
Sentry Safety Station
1. Employees, visitors or customers entering a facility or restricted area approach the hands free Sentry Safety Station.
2. The camera senses a human approaching and automatically triggers the infrared thermometer to capture the body temperature.
3. The screen prompts the user to use the required automated dose of sanitizer.
4. If the user’s temperature is approved AND the station confirms the sanitized hands process, and is wearing mask (if required), a green LED light illuminates/pulses and the station activates to unlock the door or entry barrier.
5. If the temperature reading is not approved OR if the user does not sanitize hands, a red LED light illuminates and he/she is denied admittance, a screen message communicates next steps (customized by entity)
Temperature/Hand Sanitizer
Mask & Sense of Smell Screening
• Linux Operating System
• CPU runs kiosk software and network communications
• Cloud: real-time connectivity to cloud network
standalone or mobile base
• SENSITIVITY: 0.2 degree error w/i 2.6 feet
• POWER: USB – 3.7V
POWER: 120-220V AC
• CAT5/6 Ethernet RJ45 connectors
• Wi-Fi
• Cellular
• Bluetooth
✓ Pass/No Pass Determination Interface with Access Control to allow for authorized entry:
✓ Integrated display unit can be configured to automatically direct users to a
predetermined area if they do not meet the pass/entry criteria. Alternatively, they can be
connected by video to a call center or other designated person for follow-up discussion
✓ Self-monitoring of system status and notification of need to replace/refill hand sanitizer
✓ The inclusive Video Camera, Display Screen, Two-Way Audio/Video Communication,
Built-in Credential Reader and AI Facial Recognition Technologies provide:
Office Buildings
Property Management
School Facilities
Sporting Events
Music Venues
Cruise Lines
Healthcare Settings
Data Centers
Police & Fire Departments
Government/State Offices
The Advanosys Security and Automation Technologies (ASAT) organization provides innovative, comprehensive design built A to Z solutions that meet the specific Security, Life Safety and Automation Technology requirements of our discerning clients large and small!