The Advanosys team can provide all facets of alternate power sources for your main residence, outbuilding or special locations including barns, docks, etc. The use of solar power provides a very cost efficient platform to power technology without having the need for long underground or aerial power
runs. For remote properties or areas simply too far from the home or off the grid, a small solar array can power virtually all of the security, life safety and automation needs including cameras and detection sensors, as well as providing local power source for the building’s lighting and other comfort needs.
Solar arrays in association with back up power cells and generators can provide the full complement to meet all living or operational requirements for a facility where the power is non-existent to constantly install and of course for the essential need of emergency back up when the main power feed is lost for whatever reason. Localized solar lighting and/or ability to expand wireless networks to bring technology much further out from the house are all readily available.
Please inquire to a level of service the Advanosys team can bring to meet your family’s needs. We also work with the national full house solar providers to coordinate for energy management and monitoring of those platforms operating integrity for all types of applications. We look forward to being of assistance to you.